Wednesday, August 31, 2005



Sound has been used effectively by many of the world’s spiritual traditions to alter consciousness or heal the body. Mantras, prayers, and chants all generate a pattern of energy that calms the mind and rebalances the body. Studies show that repetitive sound transforms the alpha and beta wave patterns in the brain into theta. The theta brain wave pattern is conducive to relaxation and has been linked to a sense of heightened creativity. Sound has also been used as an effective tool for opening the body’s various energy meridians and charkas. As Margo Anand observes:

Just as the resonance of one high, operatic note can break a crystal glass, and the right words can open a mind or heart, the right sound can open your charkas. The word chakra means “vortex, center, or resonance”. If we direct a sound that resonates into the center of a chakra, it can open like a flower. Every mystery school from ancient times to the present uses sound for these purposes (1998:237)

Promoting health by keeping the energy meridians and charkas open and clear in an important feature of East Indian and Oriental medicine. Both approaches envision the body as a bio-energetic network of meridians interconnected throughout the body and through the major organs. The meridians provide structural and patterned information to the cells of the body during growth and development from conception to adulthood. Medical treatment involves identifying the source and location of any blocks in this system that are impeding healthy energy flow and then removing them. “The acupuncture meridians are a type of biocircuitry network that supplies life energy to the different organs of the body. The meridians have surface points, known as acupuncture points, that are like energetic pores” (Gerber, 1996:xx). Stimulation of these key points with needles—or sound—can help release blocks and promote healing. Sound Attunement Therapy uses both the hoop drum and the West African drum called a “djembe” to induce sound stimulation to these points to promote healing.

As these brief illustrations show, sound has a profound effect upon the physiology and emotions.

For more information on the effects of Sound Attunement Therapy and Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration check out the “Testimonials” section on or contact Toby Christensen at

Tuesday, August 23, 2005



A question has come up that I think is comment worthy. What is the difference between a regular drum healing or Sound Attunement Therapy treatment and a Shamanic Drum Treatment? Well supporting “The Way of the Shaman” and the Foundation For Shamanic Studies I would say that a Shamanic Drum Healing and a Sound Attunement Therapy treatment are similar in that the Shamanic Journey is involved in both the Shamanic Drum Healing and a Sound Attunement Therapy treatment. There are many different types of Shamanic Drum Healing. Some use the hoop drum, some use the djembe drum, others use shaman rattles others use shaman rattles with drums. As long as the shamanic journey is involved in the treatment I would say that it is a Shamanic Drum Healing. That is assuming healing takes place.

There are many ways sound and rhythm can be used to promote healing and change of all kinds. Pleas check out the Articles section at and feel free to email me

Monday, August 22, 2005


This is a great discription of sound attunement therapy:
The rhythmic energy created by drumming often has a meditative response on individuals listening. As if swept into oneself, the comfortable sound of the drumbeat opens the minds eye to the divinity within. “Nature, in fact, is such a complex organism that only the intelligence of Spirit can manage it” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:66). The Dagara people of Burkina Faso, West Africa, are well known for their spiritual practice. They believe that if there is a problem with the physical, one must look to the spiritual for a solution. “That is, in the mind of the indigenous, illness is like an unwelcome guest that wants the place it has taken over to remain the same so that is can be comfortable. Certain healing practices, such as this one, involve altering the energy structure of the person. By doing this, the illness, if there is any, becomes ‘irritated’ at the rude hospitality and moves away in search of another place” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:262).
Toby Christensen aka Tobias -

Thursday, August 18, 2005


"If you want to succeed in the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time a-coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the road side until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence."
~ John B. Gough

For more information on changing your life using sound, email Toby Christensen - or go to

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Good news drummers and Bloggers. I talked to Chief Nana today and the container from Ghana is leaving LA and making its way to Seattle. I Should have drums available next Tuesday or Wednesday. For more information or to place your order email or go the products page at

The more drummers we have drumming the less drummers we have fighting!!! Drum for world peace!!!


OK Now for the answer to the question you have all been waiting for…..can you feel the tension building??????

I have received many inquiries as to what part Shamanism plays in Sound Attunement Therapy (SAT). So here it is. The first part of a SAT treatment involves the use of the hoop drum also called (the shaman's drum) to balance the aura field, stimulate charka. The rhythm used in this part of the treatment is 5-7 beats per second. This is known as the shaman’s journey beat. This is the wave I surf into the unseen world. This is where the djembe rhythms come from and the antidotes are given. If you look at the cover of my latest CD “The Shaman’s Journey” you will see what this world looks like to me. It is these journeys that are the core of shamanism.

Shamanism is the key ingredient to SAT. Without the help of those of the unseen world the power of SAT would be severely limited. I give thanks to those who are always ready to help.

For more information on shamanism and shamanic healing check out or email

Toby Christensen is a Shamanic practitioner and teacher of shamanism. He strongly supports The Way Of The Shaman and the teachings of Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

Monday, August 15, 2005


During my initiation I made a pledge to devote my teaching efforts to eradicate spiritual ignorance. It is to this cause I dedicate this entry. The subject is Shamanism and the misunderstanding of the word and its meaning. I had someone recently say “I would NEVER refer to a white person as a Shaman.” I asked why and they told me that it is a title ONLY for indigenous people. I asked about the indigenous people of the “Northlands” who happen to be very white. This got the conversation going about what a shaman actually is and its appropriate use. After spending many years in the grips of ignorant radical fundamentalism I spend a great deal of time researching and accurately defining my belief and spirituality. It is from this basis that I encourage all of my friends and colleagues to do the same. Two of the best sources on the subject of shamanism come form famed anthropologist Michael Harner, and a gentleman by the name of Tom Cowan. There are many other writers on the subject but unlike many who are out to prove or promote a particular viewpoint or influence a particular belief system, I find these two writers come from a factual and historical perspective. Truth is the word “shaman” is a culturally specific word that until it’s recent misuse (referring to any indigenous or alternative practice as shamanism) was used in a very limited context in a very remote part of the world. So the moment you have all been waiting for:
According to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
The word "shaman" originates in Siberia with the Tungus People. In the original Tungus language the word shaman refers to a person who makes journeys to non-ordinary reality in an altered state of consciousness. Although the term is from Siberia, the practice of shamanism has existed in all parts of the world throughout history. After years of extensive research, Mircea Eliade, in his book, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, concluded that shamanism underlays all the other spiritual traditions on the planet, and that the most distinctive feature of shamanism-but by no means the only one-was the journey to other worlds in an altered state of consciousness. Shamans are often called "see-ers" (seers), or "people who know", because they are involved in a system of knowledge based on firsthand experience. Shamanism is not a belief system. It's based on personal experiments conducted to heal, to get information, or do other things. In fact, if shamans don't get results, they will no longer be used by people in their tribe. People ask me, "How do you know if somebody's a shaman?" I say, "It's simple. Do they journey to other worlds? And do they perform miracles?"

For more information on shamanism and shamanic healing check out or email

Friday, August 12, 2005


People have been asking me to explain what I do. So here is a "to the point layout of Sound Attunement Therapy

Sound attunement Therapy is the use of vibrational energy in a process which brings the mind, body, emotions, and psyche of an individual or group into harmony.

Recent studies suggest that therapeutic drumming increases immune system function, controls pain, relieves stress, and has been successful in treating serious conditions such as substance abuse, alcoholism, AIDS, adrenal failure, high blood pressure and cancer.

Other research suggests that therapeutic drumming is also effective for treating emotional disorders such as depression, anger, and anxiety.

Sound Attunement Therapy works by producing a bio-energetic reconfiguration of a persons energy system which effects the physical body, mind, and emotions. It produces the energetic structure to promote heal and restore a person’s natural healthy rhythms. Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration‘is the transformation or rearrangement of energy in and between living organisms and between living organisms and their environment, to enhance self-awareness, well-being and relieve physical, spiritual, and emotional maladies.

For more information on SAT email Toby Christensen - or go to

Friday, August 05, 2005



Isn't it a pity, now isn't it a shame?
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking any more
Forgetting to give back, isn't it a pity?

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
There are too many people
Can't see we're all the same
And because of all the tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them, isn't it a pity?

Isn't it a pity, isn't it a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking any more
Forgetting to give back, isn't it a pity?

Forgetting to give back, isn't it a pity?

Forgetting to give back, now isn't it a pity?

What a pity, pity pity pity pity

I would be interested to know what George Harrison was thinking about when he wrote this song. Some time my ability to go unconscious and run my life on auto pilot amazes me. The thing is my auto pilot is a shitty driver and I have known this for a very long time. Yet periodically I hand over the controls with out reservation. In this process I hurt those closest to me and put myself in the “backwards moving mode” so I get to carry the weight of my poor choices and make up for the progress I had made before the error. Will I ever learn.


Through the rhythm of the drum I find my heart, through the rhythm of the drum I find my soul, through the rhythm of the drum I find the strength to overcome the obstacles in my life and keep moving forward.

It is a pity to go unconscious and run amuck. But with the rhythm of the healing drum, the way is found to reconnect the heart and the life and renew hope!

Keep drumming!!!!!

For more information about the healing drum go to or email me at

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Diversity in Action

Well Columbus Ohio is a very interesting place. It just goes to show that the sound of the drum is the tuning of the soul no matter where you go. I met some of the most amazing people this past week. As I fly home I want to share the importance of bringing your gift to the world. One of the groups I worked with were a wonderful community of Methodist ministers. All women, and all connected to the deep truth of the universal energy of LOVE and compassion. They were honoring a friend who had passed away three years ago and I was asked to administer the healing drum during part of their ceremony. I ask Spirit to bring us more ministers like these women.

Open your hearts to the rhythm of a new drum. If you carry hate , let it change to the rhythm of Love. If you carry judgment, allow the healing drum to shift it to acceptance. It you are carrying resentment let the spirit of understanding and healing take it’s place.

As the healing drum moves to more places in the world and reaches more hearts I see more clearly the mission of my calling. My calling is to bring the healing drum to all the beings on the planet that can benefit from it.

The world need more drummers. For more information check out and email me at

Walk to the rhythm of your own drum and share it with as many people as possible!

Blessings to all,
Tobias Christensen