Pure Peace
Why do we find it hard to be at peace with ourselves, each other and the world? Imagine a lake that is flat and calm and pure - it is so clear you can see the bottom. Even when the wind blows it only ruffles the surface. All is still and peaceful in its depth. Then the first polluting chemicals of the new factory and farm come rolling down the hill and into the water. Immediately it starts to cloud over and bubble a little. Chemical reactions are taking place and the purity is lost. When purity is lost peace is lost. It is the same with human consciousness. We are innately peaceful beings. Peace is our deepest inner state of being, our true nature. To be at peace is to be in our natural state, but only when our consciousness is pure and clean and true. As soon as the pollutants of any negative images are allowed in, or we allow old memories and experiences to disturb us into negative thinking, our purity and therefore our inner peace are gone. It's not the external event or person that takes our peace away - it's because we give them permission to enter and give them life in our minds. Keep your mind and heart free of all pollution, and peace will always be with you.
Why do we find it hard to be at peace with ourselves, each other and the world? Imagine a lake that is flat and calm and pure - it is so clear you can see the bottom. Even when the wind blows it only ruffles the surface. All is still and peaceful in its depth. Then the first polluting chemicals of the new factory and farm come rolling down the hill and into the water. Immediately it starts to cloud over and bubble a little. Chemical reactions are taking place and the purity is lost. When purity is lost peace is lost. It is the same with human consciousness. We are innately peaceful beings. Peace is our deepest inner state of being, our true nature. To be at peace is to be in our natural state, but only when our consciousness is pure and clean and true. As soon as the pollutants of any negative images are allowed in, or we allow old memories and experiences to disturb us into negative thinking, our purity and therefore our inner peace are gone. It's not the external event or person that takes our peace away - it's because we give them permission to enter and give them life in our minds. Keep your mind and heart free of all pollution, and peace will always be with you.
A lot of people are "searching" or wishing for more "peace "
More peace of mind and more peace in the external World !!
I have some Great news !! A person and the universe is perfectly balanced at all times .
To wish for World Peace is an illusion -It can't Happen !! The human body is designed to be balanced internally with peace and Conflict - If a persons main focus is to be very peaceful they will attract internal conflict and external conflicts also !!
Animals in Nature don't live in peace -They live in harmony and balance !! - A zebra and a Lion Love each other but they are NOT at peace with each other !!
When the positives and negatives of Life equilibrate Love is created !! So Most people are wishing for Unconditional Love minus Ego NOT Peace !!
To learn more please go to and
I hope everyone is having a Blessed Day !! I am Blessed !!
Many people in Life are focusing on being Happy and "making" their Lover or spouse Happy. You may be able to attract Happiness for a short period of time but after a while You will attract the opposite . Yes, Sadness . Your emotions will go from highs and lows based on your perceptions.
A lot of people are searching for" peace of mind" ! Again you may be able to have peace of mind both internally and in your outside world but Just like Happiness over time Guess What ? Yes, You will attract the opposite both internally and on the outside world . You will have internal conflict and attract resistance in the physical world.
Now let's briefly discuss Fear . Fear is simply an emotion that there will be more negatives than positives in the future -more pain than pleasure.
If you truly hate something ( see more negatives than positives to a person , place or thing) that will run your life also to the degree that you hate it. What ever you hate in life will repeat itself until you learn to Love it !!
Fear and Guilt will also Run your life !!
Guilt is simply a lopsided perception that there were more negatives than positives in the past.
Most people are thinking and saying "Man, I just have to stay positive" or they tell their friend "Just be and Stay Positive !
There is a solution to ALL the Above !! UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !!!
Unconditional LOVE for yourself and Others !! Unconditional Love will remove the Ego and allow you to Live in the Present with a state of Gratitude and Appreciation !! What ever you love in Life and Are grateful for will expand !! If you truly Love yourself Unconditionally and Love your spouse unconditionally You will set the Strongest platform for a Very healthy and Balanced Relationship !! It will allow You to surrender to the unknown in a very powerful way !! Also , You will not have Any expectations that will result in "failure" or a feeling of disappointment. You will be able to see the benefits of ALL events that occur in your life and balance it out to a state of Love and Gratitude.
You will attract new people and opportunities based on your new vibrational energy !!
When in any relationship If you have unconditional Love for yourself and the Others involved there is no Need or Desire to Control !
You simply Live and Love in the moment. LOVE it , Live it and Be it !!
Relationships should be fun and inspiring !! You are there to both support and challenge. You are on the same TEAM !! - You should not be competing !!
Relationships are designed to teach you to Love parts of yourself that you are not currently loving. When the Positive and negative come together they simply result in Love !!
So what people are truly desiring in Life is Not Happiness or Peace of mind but Simply to Be Loved for who they TRULY ARE !!
For more on this Please Visit
Have a Blessed Night!
ALOHA and Love, Tom Passerella- KILAUEA, KAUAI
Ano ai ke aloha e. Aloha ke akua.
Be kind to yourself and smile.
Thank God I
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Inner Peace is designed to be temporary - To be complete we are Unconditional Love minus Ego - Not Peace !!
Peace is not a natural state -It is appreciating and having gratitude for the "negatives" and "positives" and equilibrating them to LOVE !!
to learn more about this Universal law please visit
We shouldn't have Peace talks but Talks of LOVE where Nations Leaders unmask their Egos !!
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