Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Testimonial from Spokane, Washington

My horse hadn't been moving quite right for a while, and that along with on and off swelling in one his legs caused me to call the vet. The vet gave his lameness a 4 out of 5 on the severity scale. Alexandre had to be put in a stall for 6 weeks, only walking 30 minutes a day. After the 6 weeks were up, the work load gradually began increasing, but the swelling in his leg never completely dissappeared. After 2 months, he was lame again. Same diagnosis, but this time we did X-Rays and an Ultrasound. Nothing showed up. Back to the 30 minute walk a day.

For the next 6-8 months, Alexandre's leg would swell up often, but he stayed sound. I was riding regularly, getting ready for the summer horse shows. Then disaster struck! For the third time, my horse's leg was swollen and he was limping. No one could find anything structurally wrong. He had the best vets and the best horseshoers in the state trying to help him. Ice, heat, massage, chiropractic, special shoes... nothing worked.

Enter Toby. I asked Toby if he could look at my horse during my own drumming session. Just to see if he could find anything wrong. Toby saw an energy band running up over his shoulders that was out of place, so he fixed it. It was raining that day, but we went to the barn anyway because Toby loves horses so much he just couldn't keep himself away. The swelling in my horse's leg was completely gone. Not just a little gone, but completely gone and we found Alexandre running and jumping around his paddock. As I examined him, I could feel all of the bones and tendons for the first time in over a year.

Alexandre has been doing great ever since. I have Toby do a refresher session every now and then to keep Alexandre in tip-top shape. If Toby hadn't been there to help, I don't think I would have ever been able to ride or show my wonderful friend again.

Thank you!


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Contact Toby


Remote Shamanic Drum Healing is a powerful, technique that was influenced by the development of Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute for our government over 20 years ago. When Toby Christensen does Remote Shamanic Drum Healing he views an object, a person or an event as if they are actually there. Toby can see and hear the event or person even if it's 10,000 miles away, or in the past! Remote Shamanic Drum Healing can be used for personal growth, healing, spiritual development and countless other intentions. When used for medical issues can give extremely accurate diagnoses and assessment that often rivals an MRI. The detailed accuracy and specificity of this technique is sometimes staggering!

Remote healing is an energy-intensive discipline, and step-by-step procedure, that takes about an hour to do. Because of the unparalleled accuracy and specificity of Remote Shamanic Drum Healing, it is not an exaggeration that it is one of Toby’s greatest tools and greatest contributions to the planet. Toby Christensen is truly a pioneer and explorer of new worlds and new frontiers. To request a session please fill out the form below or call Toby at 360.910.3262.
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Contact Toby