Monday, October 31, 2005



OK, I want to let you all know that there are a bunch of freeloading, unethical, cheats that are spamming my blog. I in NO WAY support “New Testament”, “Anxiety Disorder”, anything from “Orendon”. It really makes me upset when I take the time to provide a forum to support drumming and sound healing and these people without my permission load links to their websites to scam you with some MLM products. If I endorse a product or person I will whole heartedly let you know. If you see a comment with a link and it is not referenced in my article, know that this is one of the freeloading spammers and do not give them the courtesy of a click!


Thursday, October 20, 2005


Drum for peace today. As I watch the news early this morning I see things that break my heart. It is so important to bring healing rhythm to the world. Take a moment and drum, drum for love, drum for healing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Okay, I am using mine new voice recognition software, so we’ll see how much editing I need to do.

I had lunch with a good friend today then the subject to the community came up. As we talked she’s fully store for concerns and experiences with community leaders and teachers. “ how is it, that if a teacher has and alcohol problem we in place them, we gather around and find ways to help. But when a teacher is inappropriate with a client, particularly if it is a male teacher and a female client, while they do we shun the teacher?”

This is a very good topic. I have get involved in many communities. Many have been very helpful then again then there have been many painful lessons. No lesson has been more painful then feeling betrayed by a teacher. This has happened on two locations and the lessons have been profound. It was not until I was involved as a primary teacher in a community that I understood pressure then the looking glass that my teachers or under. As my friend and I talked we discussed the possibility that community in the way that we see it Africa or in the rain forests of South America may not be possible here in the West. Indigenous tribes are held together by necessity, by then need to survive. In the West we have the luxury plenty. This can sometimes separate us from true community. In the indigenous context any action taken by a tribal member if it reveals the malady is the malady of the village. In the African tradition it is said that the ach of one of persons to ach of the whole village. Here in America we are taught that people are disposable. Teachers, the village members, and friends. This is a very sad teaching.

It is my desire to see true community form in our world in a way that helps and supports the healing of all people no matter what to their difficulty. In mind teachings and in my drumming I strive to unify and synchronize the rhythm of all people. I drum to heal the person’s body, I drum to heal the village, I’d drum to heal the planet. In order to bring healing we must embrace the pleasant and the unpleasant in all people. We must avoided judging. If we are going to bring healing to the world, we must look to find the Good in our fellow brothers and sisters. Community this very important let us drum to bring healing to our community. Bring your healing drum to the world to help. Play your drum with power. Pay your drum for peace, and play your drum for community.

For more information go to or e-mail

I like my new voice recognition software very nice very few errors!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The Drum has a place in the lives of many people throughout the world. It can manifest energy or represent gods. The Drum holds ancient energy, which beckons to the soul and calls for indigenous remembrance. The Menomini, Native American from Wisconsin, believe the Drum is a strong force in the world that should always be treated with great respect.

“The drum (te-we-hekan) is the most sacred object in the Drum Dance powwow for a variety of reasons. It is the most important material embodiment of power. It is believed that the Great Spirit, and all the good spirits he created, put some of their power into the original Drum given to the Sioux women who believed to have introduced the

Ritual to the Menomini” (Slotkin 1975:35).

The Dobe/hoansi are a hunter and gathering society in middle Africa. These people eat the bounty of the land and live in groups of twenty to thirty people. They practice a form of drumming and dancing to harness their energies. “Women dance and enter trances, and men play a supporting role, beating complex rhythms on the long drum that is the central symbol of the dance.” (Richard B Lee. 1993:119-120). In this culture, the drumbeats allow the energy or nu/m within the dancer to rise. An interesting fact is that the drummers of tradition are the women. Recently, a dance and particular drum beat called the Giraffe dance has begun. This dance involves women and some men to enter trance through dancing. Medicine men and women of the bands perform these ceremonies. Many of the participants in this ritual are of varying levels of experience. Participating aids in exposing beginners to their personal nu/m while surrounded by experienced people or for others to learn to control their personal nu/m (energy). Often overwhelmed by the intense trance state, individual may collapse. Others around will care for the individual by freshening them up and helping them to regain a level of recognition where they can either rejoin the ritual or participate in any way they desire. The ceremonial energy is used to summon the healing needed to handle illnesses that inflict the Dobe people. Through additional methods, such as hands on and vocal exclamation, the energy of the healers are shared with the sick of the tribe.

The rhythmic energy created by drumming often has a meditative response on individuals listening. As if swept into oneself, the comfortable sound of the drumbeat opens the minds eye to the divinity within. “Nature, in fact, is such a complex organism that only the intelligence of Spirit can manage it” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:66). The Dagara people of Burkina Faso, West Africa, are well known for their spiritual practice. They believe that if there is a problem with the physical, one must look to the spiritual for a solution. “That is, in the mind of the indigenous, illness is like an unwelcome guest that wants the place it has taken over to remain the same so that is can be comfortable. Certain healing practices, such as this one, involve altering the energy structure of the person. By doing this, the illness, if there is any, becomes ‘irritated’ at the rude hospitality and moves away in search of another place” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:262).

The ceremonies of the Dagara people often involve the people of the community, as well as the spiritual leaders, and may also utilize physical representations of elements. They feel that the Spirit is fused with the physical form and that addressing one is addressing both. When addressing the physical the five elements (fire, water, earth, mineral, and nature) correspond with particular areas of the body.

The elements also adhere to the behavior of an individual. Fire associates with the heart and behaviorally tends to have passion and vitality. Water associates with the blood and behaviorally tends to seek peace and harmony. Mineral associates with the skeletal structure, in particular the spine, and behaviorally tends to be the communicator of ancestral, indigenous and ordinary ideals. Nature associates with the lungs and breath and behaviorally encourages easy transformation or change. Earth associates with the stomach and behaviorally tends to be the hub of the wheel providing nurturing and the basic resources that sustain life. The Dagara have particular ceremonies that relate to the five elements.

Often drumming, dancing and singing accompany the ceremony. The presence of the community often provides security and support to the ceremony whether it is being held for an individual or for any other reason. The structure and activities included can vary depending on the elements called upon. To the Dagara people the elements are a vital part of our existence. When healing is needed one must seek the help of the elements and the spiritual leaders of their communities.

One must seek to create a balanced energy in sinc with nature and with Spirit and to create a healthy home for the personal spirit. Only then can we tune in to the divine energy around us and begin our harmonic journey. Toby Christensen’s Sound Attunement Therapy (SAT) builds the bridge between the spirit and the individual to aid in the healing of the self.

To learn more about sound healing and the power of the drum go to or contact Toby Christensen at

Sunday, October 02, 2005

What is Toby doing now???

SEPTEMBER 9th - 11th FREDERICK MD - Earth Ritual with Sobonfu Some Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152

SEPTEMBER 12th -18th BOSTON MASS Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152

SEPTEMBER 19th -22nd FREDERICKSBURG VIRGINIA - Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Kathy Sampeck at or (540) 720-1024

SEPTEMBER 23rd - 30th LEESBURG VIRGINIA - Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152

SEPTEMBER 20th - LEESBURG VIRGINIA - An Evening of Sound Healing With Toby Christensen Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152

SEPTEMBER 22nd - LEESBURG VIRGINIA - Level II Shamanic Training Workshop Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152

SEPTEMBER 27th - LEESBURG VIRGINIA - Basic Level Shamanic Training Workshop Contact Susan Hough at or 703.505.5152


OCTOBER 6th- 9th SPOKANE WASHINGTON - Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Dr. Elizabeth Hesse at or 509.927-7155 or" or 509-466-1439

OCTOBER 10th PORTLAND OREGON - Sellwood Spirit Feathers - Spirit Power Drumming Workshop - Contact Toby Christensen at or 360.910.3262 for directions go to

OCTOBER 19th - 22nd SEATTLE WASHINGTON Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Tina Swanson at or (206) 799-3415

OCTOBER 22ND SEATTLE WASHINGTON - EAST WEST BOOK STORE an Evening of Sound Healing With Toby Christensen Contact Toby Christensen at or 360.910.3262

OCTOBER 23rd SEATTLE WASHINGTON - EAST WEST BOOK STORE Sound Healing Workshop With Toby Christensen Contact Toby Christensen at or 360.910.3262

Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

Sorry, all sessions fully booked

An Evening of Sound Healing With Toby Christensen

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

This evening workshop is a great way to connect to the Power of "Sound Attunement Therapy" (SAT) The focus of the evening is the removal of obstacles that are preventing you from creating the life you want and enhancing the energy that will bring in the success you desire.

Time 7 PM - 9:30 PM

Cost $25

"Sound Healing I" All Day Drum Healing workshop With Toby Christensen

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

Sound Healing I

This one-day workshop is a hands on, experiential workshop where the participants will be taught basic drumming techniques to induce healing in the body, mind and spirit. They will also be taught how to use tuning forks, vocal toning and other sound generating devices to move energy. The first part of the day is focused on learning the techniques of each tool we will use, and the second part of the day is spent practicing supervised healings.

Time 10 AM - 4 PM

Cost $95


Contact Barbara Schachtat or (513) 233-7742

Empowering The Community

Toby will be leaving Wednesday, so Tuesday November 1st we are having a night of "Empowering The Community" till Toby returns. This will be a fun evening with lots of drumming, dancing and healing. In thanks to all of you who have supported Toby's work here in the Cincinnati area, we would like to offer a 50% discount to anyone who attended a workshop or had a private session with Toby. Bring your drums rattles, shakers, dancing feet, and friends to this"Empowering The Community" event!

Time 7PM - 9PM

Cost $20 (*$10 for anyone who attended the Saturday workshop or had a private session. See Below)

Location: Church of the New Jerusalem
845 Congress Ave
Glendale, OH 45246

*Continuing Students Click Here

NOVEMBER 9th - 14th NORTHFIELD VERMONT Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions Contact Marilee Demaras at" or 802-485-7383

"Drumming The Wheel of Power" Workshop With Toby Christensen

In this two day workshop, "Drumming The Wheel of Power" learn about West African Shamanism and the sacred medicine wheel. Discover the power of the drum and connecting to the elemental powers as taught by the elders of the Dagara People of Burkina Faso. Contact Marilee Demaras at" or 802-485-7383

Time 10 AM - 4 PM

Cost $150

Sound Attunement Therapy Individual Sessions With Toby Christensen

Cost $90

Contact Barbara Schachtat or (513) 233-7742

After you sign up and pay for your private session online, please call the contact person listed to BOOK THE TIME of your appointment.

An Evening of Sound Healing With Toby Christensen

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

This evening workshop is a great way to connect to the Power of "Sound Attunement Therapy" (SAT) The focus of the evening is the removal of obstacles that are preventing you from creating the life you want and enhancing the energy that will bring in the success you desire.

Time 7 PM - 9:30 PM

Cost $25

"Sound Healing I" All Day Drum Healing workshop With Toby Christensen

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

Sound Healing I

This one-day workshop is a hands on, experiential workshop where the participants will be taught basic drumming techniques to induce healing in the body, mind and spirit. They will also be taught how to use tuning forks, vocal toning and other sound generating devices to move energy. The first part of the day is focused on learning the techniques of each tool we will use, and the second part of the day is spent practicing supervised healings.

Time 10 AM - 4 PM

Cost $95

Some dates on this schedule are tentative and based on participant interest. Please contact the person listed to inquire about each event.

Toby Christensen and

In addition to his work with groups and public speaking Toby Christensen is a very gifted healer in his private practice. He has a extensive background in healing arts, having studied from several cosmologies. Toby has advanced training in Reiki, Core Shamanism, African and Native American healing modalities. This varied background has influenced the following systems and technique used with powerful effectiveness in his private practice. Toby has an office in Portland Oregon but is able to perform the following treatments wherever he travels.

Sound Attunement Therapy

Sound attunement Therapy is the use of vibrational energy in a process which brings the mind, body, emotions, and psyche of an individual or group into harmony. Recent studies suggest that therapeutic drumming increases immune system function, controls pain, relieves stress, and has been successful in treating serious conditions such as substance abuse, alcoholism, AIDS, adrenal failure, high blood pressure and cancer. Other research suggests that therapeutic drumming is also effective for treating emotional disorders such as depression, anger, and anxiety. Sound Attunement Therapy works by producing a bio-energetic reconfiguration of a persons energy system which effects the physical body, mind, and emotions. It produces the energetic structure to promote heal and restore a person’s natural healthy rhythms.


The word "shaman" originates in Siberia with the Tungus People. In the original Tungus language the word shaman refers to a person who makes journeys to non-ordinary reality in an altered state of consciousness. Although the term is from Siberia, the practice of shamanism has existed in all parts of the world throughout history. After years of extensive research, Mircea Eliade, in his book, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, concluded that shamanism underlays all the other spiritual traditions on the planet, and that the most distinctive feature of shamanism-but by no means the only one-was the journey to other worlds in an altered state of consciousness. Shamans are often called "see-ers" (seers), or "people who know", because they are involved in a system of knowledge based on firsthand experience. Shamanism is not a belief system. It's based on personal experiments conducted to heal, to get information, or do other things. In fact, if shamans don't get results, they will no longer be used by people in their tribe. People ask me, "How do you know if somebody's a shaman?" I say, "It's simple. Do they journey to other worlds? And do they perform miracles?"

Toby Christensen is skilled in many aspects of both Native American and African Shamanism and has been taught personally from indigenous teachers. This hands on teaching and authentic experience are what differentiates Toby from other practitioners. Knowing what process to apply and how to apply it is the benefit of many years of training and experience. Please refer to the “TESTIMONIAL” page on this site to read about the miracles that have occurred.

Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is the process of restoring personal power lost through traumatic episode. It is a Shamanic understanding that part of our essential life-energy can and does split off and resides in non-ordinary reality. In the practice of Soul Retrieval this life-energy is referred to as a” Soul Part”. A Soul Part moves from ones being into non-ordinary reality to help an individual survive a situation that would otherwise be unbearable. Problems occur when a Soul Part does not know how to return, or does not know it is yet safe to return, so it waits or is lost outside of time. To remedy this condition, Toby Christensen, in an altered state of consciousness known as the “Shamanic Journey”, enters non-ordinary reality and journeys to the lost soul parts. After finding the client’s soul parts, they are returned to restore the health and well-being of the person. Toby has helped many people regain power through the process of Soul Retrieval. Another aspect of Soul Retrieval that has been profoundly empowering is the return of “Spiritual Gifts” from past time. These items very in many ways but have been very beneficial in helping people find or enhance their life’s purpose. This procedure is a very empowering process and is recommended for everyone.

Work With The Dead And The Dying

From the shamanic perspective, physical death is not the end, but merely a transition from this world to the next. People who know they are dying can take advantage of their foreknowledge by learning to journey to the other side before they die. These journeys help remove a person’s fear of death and the unknown. Often they meet and talk with relatives or friends who have already crossed over and are waiting to welcome them home. In the case of a death that is sudden or unexpected, like an accident, or heart attack people may not even realize that they are dead. They can be stuck in this reality and may not be able to cross over, for that reason. These disembodied spirits are generally referred to as ghosts or disincarnate spirits. As a shaman, Toby remedies these situations, and works closely with surviving family members and friends who may be “holding on” to the spirit of the deceased due to their feelings of grief and loss. Much of the work Toby does involves helping family and friends release the person who has died by performing special rituals or ceremonies. These practices help relieve the pain and grief of the survivors by making them a vital part of the process of their loved ones transition.

For more information on the effects of Sound Attunement Therapy and Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration check out the “Testimonials” section on this site or contact Toby Christensen at

Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
Toby Christensen at
posted by Toby Christensen at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2005

Toby Christensen is a facilitator of healing and change using the power of sound. He is a Master Drummer, an in-demand Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Shamanic Practitioner, and an Ordained Minister. With experience as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, public speaker, musician, and spiritual leader, Toby relates to a wide range of human experience. He connects with compassion and deep understanding to the struggles and challenges of everyday life with a proactive, solution oriented methodology. In his work with indigenous shamans, healers, medicine people and contemporary teachers, Toby has developed a treatment modality known as “Sound Attunement Therapy” which initiates the process he calls “Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration.” This process integrates the powerful methods of old world shamanism with the most cutting edge understanding of quantum physics. Empowered through the treatment of “Sound Attunement Therapy” (SAT) Toby uses sound and drum healing as a container for people to shed their old patterns of ill health, dissatisfaction and dysfunction and shift their energy to create a new healthy and satisfying life.

Born and Raised in Seattle Washington, Toby started his career as a professional musician at the young age of 16 playing the jazz, rock, and funk clubs of Seattle. After having a spiritual awakening, he moved to Northern California to undergo his ministerial training and was then recruited as an associate pastor at Christian Life Center in Santa Rosa, CA. (At the time one of the largest non-denominational churches in the western United States) Toby left the church disillusioned by the “business of religion” and began a career in the corporate world. He began to work his way up the corporate ladder with Nordstrom with great success. After advancing quickly, Toby was recruited as Executive Vice President of All American Sales, where he was responsible for the sales and marketing of athletic products nationwide.

After years of corporate success at the cost of his soul, Toby woke up to the call of his heart, that ignited his passion and reconnected him to the drum. He now travels the world facilitating positive changes in peoples lives through the power of sound. Although Toby will never refer to himself as a Drum Healer or a Sound Healer. The term is used in reference to his work because of the common understanding of the term Drum Healing or Sound Healing within the context of our culture. As Toby Christensen puts it “I use rhythm and sound to facilitate positive change in all aspects of peoples lives. I am not the healer, the being I am holding space for is. I just hold the space and make some noise so their healer will wake up!”

Toby Christensen is a Master Drummer and Shamanic Practitioner, who has over 30 years of professional drumming experience. He has toured internationally with rock and gospel music groups and has performed frequently as a ritual drummer in both African and Native American ceremony. He is trained on the trap set, the African Djembe, congas and the hoop drum also known as the Shaman's Drum. He has studied in Africa with Sobonfu and Malidoma Some’ from the Dagara Tribe in Burkina Faso, Chief Nana Depah of Ghana, and in the U.S. with a Chief of the Lakota Nation and other Native American teachers. He is a Ritual drummer for Sobonfu Some’ here in the U.S. and has studied Shamanism with Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

For more information contact Toby Christensen @ or email
posted by Toby Christensen at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 08, 2005

A dear sister asked for the words and stry of the Greif Song so here it is.
Here are the words to the song.
Hey la la coo la ya
Hey la la coo la ya
Hey la la coo la ya

The song is about a man who was off hunting. As he kept an eye on his village he saw a storm approaching. The storm was huge! So he began to head back to help his people brace for it. When he arrived at his village the deluge had already begun and his village was destroyed. As he looked at the once people filled streets her could only see a raging river weeping everything that he loves away. In the muddy water he saw arms and hands reaching out to be plucked from the muddy water. He began to reach for those he could and pull them to safety. But alas for every one he saved 20 or 30 of his loved ones were swept away. Overcome by grief he began top sing the lament, “Coo La Ya”

Hey la la coo la ya
Hey la la coo la ya
Hey la la coo la ya

Toby Christensen aka Tobias
Toby Christensen aka Tobias -
posted by Toby Christensen at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

When I first started seeing Toby, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had no physical ailments, but something drew me to him. I am a women who had experienced sexual abuse in my life, physical and emotional abuse, and had multiple trust issues. Toby made it clear I was in charge, he works with my boundaries, and his guides (and mine) helped me to know that I could trust him. By the end of that first session with Toby, I was certain I could trust him and I would be seeing a lot more of him.

I have committed myself to my evolution; to growing spiritually, healing past emotional wounds, healing unseen physical ailments, and basically whatever the Divine wants me to do. I have been able to bookmark my personal growth by my monthly sessions with Toby. I have grown by leaps and bounds, the wounds that were once painful are now healed. We are each our own healer, Toby creates the safest of places for me to do my healing. In that safe place, the comforting sounds of the drum work their magic.

I have recommended to my closest of friends and total strangers the wonderful healing abilities that Toby Christensen provides. I now recommend to you that if you are reading this, odds are your spirit guides would like you to consider booking a session with Toby.


Though Toby never touches your body save with the waves of sound emanating from his drum, the sensation is extremely physical. The drumbeat seems to paralyze, then liquefy, then vaporize your flesh. And then it melts your bones. Toby carries around a sheaf of research studies on the healing properties of sound, and drumming in particular, especially for people suffering from chronic illnesses, but the proof is in the experience, as you feel the song of the djembe literally calling your body’s cells to fall in step with the heartbeat of the universe.

(Hillary Johnson, LA Times).

On reflection, my first SAT session was more a beautiful, spiritual, profound universal love experience. It felt like angels were around me. And I was filled with beauty and felt such peace and gratitude. It affected me so deeply that when I was explaining it to a dear friend and another of her male friends, the tears welled up inside me; I choked with emotion, and began to cry. Gentle, Powerful Healing. It was amazing. My second SAT was MY, Oh MY, Oh MY.....!!!!

V.R. LA California

oby, I know this might sound extreme, but I feel you helped save my life. After two major surgeries in three weeks with many medical complications and several near death experiences I wasn’t sure if I was meant to stay earth bound or go to the spirit side. I was caught not knowing or caring about my faith.

…I resisted your offer of help, but you did not give up on me, you made a house call.

After the drum healing I felt grounded, centered, and more focused. There was an immediate shift in my energy. Since that time I have continued to use your gift of drum healing to keep me on track, and continue with my return to health. I truly honor your gifts and abilities. To say “thank you” is not enough but I shall say again THANK YOU.

Blessings and Love,
M. Reilly, RN

More Testimonials available at
posted by Toby Christensen at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Sound has been used effectively by many of the world’s spiritual traditions to alter consciousness or heal the body. Mantras, prayers, and chants all generate a pattern of energy that calms the mind and rebalances the body. Studies show that repetitive sound transforms the alpha and beta wave patterns in the brain into theta. The theta brain wave pattern is conducive to relaxation and has been linked to a sense of heightened creativity. Sound has also been used as an effective tool for opening the body’s various energy meridians and charkas. As Margo Anand observes:

Just as the resonance of one high, operatic note can break a crystal glass, and the right words can open a mind or heart, the right sound can open your charkas. The word chakra means “vortex, center, or resonance”. If we direct a sound that resonates into the center of a chakra, it can open like a flower. Every mystery school from ancient times to the present uses sound for these purposes (1998:237)

Promoting health by keeping the energy meridians and charkas open and clear in an important feature of East Indian and Oriental medicine. Both approaches envision the body as a bio-energetic network of meridians interconnected throughout the body and through the major organs. The meridians provide structural and patterned information to the cells of the body during growth and development from conception to adulthood. Medical treatment involves identifying the source and location of any blocks in this system that are impeding healthy energy flow and then removing them. “The acupuncture meridians are a type of biocircuitry network that supplies life energy to the different organs of the body. The meridians have surface points, known as acupuncture points, that are like energetic pores” (Gerber, 1996:xx). Stimulation of these key points with needles—or sound—can help release blocks and promote healing. Sound Attunement Therapy uses both the hoop drum and the West African drum called a “djembe” to induce sound stimulation to these points to promote healing.

As these brief illustrations show, sound has a profound effect upon the physiology and emotions.

For more information on the effects of Sound Attunement Therapy and Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration check out the “Testimonials” section on or contact Toby Christensen at
posted by Toby Christensen at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2005


A question has come up that I think is comment worthy. What is the difference between a regular drum healing or Sound Attunement Therapy treatment and a Shamanic Drum Treatment? Well supporting “The Way of the Shaman” and the Foundation For Shamanic Studies I would say that a Shamanic Drum Healing and a Sound Attunement Therapy treatment are similar in that the Shamanic Journey is involved in both the Shamanic Drum Healing and a Sound Attunement Therapy treatment. There are many different types of Shamanic Drum Healing. Some use the hoop drum, some use the djembe drum, others use shaman rattles others use shaman rattles with drums. As long as the shamanic journey is involved in the treatment I would say that it is a Shamanic Drum Healing. That is assuming healing takes place.

There are many ways sound and rhythm can be used to promote healing and change of all kinds. Pleas check out the Articles section at and feel free to email me
posted by Toby Christensen at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 22, 2005

This is a great discription of sound attunement therapy:
The rhythmic energy created by drumming often has a meditative response on individuals listening. As if swept into oneself, the comfortable sound of the drumbeat opens the minds eye to the divinity within. “Nature, in fact, is such a complex organism that only the intelligence of Spirit can manage it” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:66). The Dagara people of Burkina Faso, West Africa, are well known for their spiritual practice. They believe that if there is a problem with the physical, one must look to the spiritual for a solution. “That is, in the mind of the indigenous, illness is like an unwelcome guest that wants the place it has taken over to remain the same so that is can be comfortable. Certain healing practices, such as this one, involve altering the energy structure of the person. By doing this, the illness, if there is any, becomes ‘irritated’ at the rude hospitality and moves away in search of another place” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:262).

For more information contact Toby Christensen @ or email