Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Okay, I am using mine new voice recognition software, so we’ll see how much editing I need to do.

I had lunch with a good friend today then the subject to the community came up. As we talked she’s fully store for concerns and experiences with community leaders and teachers. “ how is it, that if a teacher has and alcohol problem we in place them, we gather around and find ways to help. But when a teacher is inappropriate with a client, particularly if it is a male teacher and a female client, while they do we shun the teacher?”

This is a very good topic. I have get involved in many communities. Many have been very helpful then again then there have been many painful lessons. No lesson has been more painful then feeling betrayed by a teacher. This has happened on two locations and the lessons have been profound. It was not until I was involved as a primary teacher in a community that I understood pressure then the looking glass that my teachers or under. As my friend and I talked we discussed the possibility that community in the way that we see it Africa or in the rain forests of South America may not be possible here in the West. Indigenous tribes are held together by necessity, by then need to survive. In the West we have the luxury plenty. This can sometimes separate us from true community. In the indigenous context any action taken by a tribal member if it reveals the malady is the malady of the village. In the African tradition it is said that the ach of one of persons to ach of the whole village. Here in America we are taught that people are disposable. Teachers, the village members, and friends. This is a very sad teaching.

It is my desire to see true community form in our world in a way that helps and supports the healing of all people no matter what to their difficulty. In mind teachings and in my drumming I strive to unify and synchronize the rhythm of all people. I drum to heal the person’s body, I drum to heal the village, I’d drum to heal the planet. In order to bring healing we must embrace the pleasant and the unpleasant in all people. We must avoided judging. If we are going to bring healing to the world, we must look to find the Good in our fellow brothers and sisters. Community this very important let us drum to bring healing to our community. Bring your healing drum to the world to help. Play your drum with power. Pay your drum for peace, and play your drum for community.

For more information go to or e-mail

I like my new voice recognition software very nice very few errors!!


Blogger cricket said...

Ah, yes. I grew up in a small farm community, and it was perhaps there that I learned what community meant. My father was not a farmer, but he has the telephone lineman. We were all on 8 party lines and listening was done. I sometimes was awoken on Saturday morning and sent to a neighbors farm to help and learn. Gathering eggs, because a family worker was unable to help, driving truck when it was harvest time, or putting up perserves, so we all could eat later. All part of my growing up.

We were a small community,(52 when everyone was home) if my father heard viscious gossip, he would disconnect their phone line.
They would call in trouble and then he would reconnect them, but it gave him an opportunity to speak to the people directly about the error of their ways.

I reflect often on those days, and when I am in the presense of the Healing drum, I am drawn closer to the group, and I feel that sense of unity I long for.

It is time for community to wake up. We must explore our falsehoods and vow to assist in the true meaning of community. Help before you are asked. Curtail idle gossip, take action with the one who has affended you. Stop spreading rumors, it is a plague. You do not have to LIKE everyone in community but you do have to respect their free will. Go to the source of the discomfort, and ask for understanding. Deceide your positive action, and unite in the positive energy of community.

Indiginious tribes may seem as if they have a leader, but no member is any less or any more than that leader/teacher. We are all human, and we all are in a constant state of learning.

Compassion and truth of the situitation is at the heart. Stay in the heart. Live and let live.

9:42 AM  

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