Tuesday, September 06, 2005


When I first started seeing Toby, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had no physical ailments, but something drew me to him. I am a women who had experienced sexual abuse in my life, physical and emotional abuse, and had multiple trust issues. Toby made it clear I was in charge, he works with my boundaries, and his guides (and mine) helped me to know that I could trust him. By the end of that first session with Toby, I was certain I could trust him and I would be seeing a lot more of him.

I have committed myself to my evolution; to growing spiritually, healing past emotional wounds, healing unseen physical ailments, and basically whatever the Divine wants me to do. I have been able to bookmark my personal growth by my monthly sessions with Toby. I have grown by leaps and bounds, the wounds that were once painful are now healed. We are each our own healer, Toby creates the safest of places for me to do my healing. In that safe place, the comforting sounds of the drum work their magic.

I have recommended to my closest of friends and total strangers the wonderful healing abilities that Toby Christensen provides. I now recommend to you that if you are reading this, odds are your spirit guides would like you to consider booking a session with Toby.


Though Toby never touches your body save with the waves of sound emanating from his drum, the sensation is extremely physical. The drumbeat seems to paralyze, then liquefy, then vaporize your flesh. And then it melts your bones. Toby carries around a sheaf of research studies on the healing properties of sound, and drumming in particular, especially for people suffering from chronic illnesses, but the proof is in the experience, as you feel the song of the djembe literally calling your body’s cells to fall in step with the heartbeat of the universe.

(Hillary Johnson, LA Times).

On reflection, my first SAT session was more a beautiful, spiritual, profound universal love experience. It felt like angels were around me. And I was filled with beauty and felt such peace and gratitude. It affected me so deeply that when I was explaining it to a dear friend and another of her male friends, the tears welled up inside me; I choked with emotion, and began to cry. Gentle, Powerful Healing. It was amazing. My second SAT was MY, Oh MY, Oh MY.....!!!!

V.R. LA California

oby, I know this might sound extreme, but I feel you helped save my life. After two major surgeries in three weeks with many medical complications and several near death experiences I wasn’t sure if I was meant to stay earth bound or go to the spirit side. I was caught not knowing or caring about my faith.

…I resisted your offer of help, but you did not give up on me, you made a house call.

After the drum healing I felt grounded, centered, and more focused. There was an immediate shift in my energy. Since that time I have continued to use your gift of drum healing to keep me on track, and continue with my return to health. I truly honor your gifts and abilities. To say “thank you” is not enough but I shall say again THANK YOU.

Blessings and Love,
M. Reilly, RN

More Testimonials available at www.healingdrummer.com


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