Monday, August 22, 2005


This is a great discription of sound attunement therapy:
The rhythmic energy created by drumming often has a meditative response on individuals listening. As if swept into oneself, the comfortable sound of the drumbeat opens the minds eye to the divinity within. “Nature, in fact, is such a complex organism that only the intelligence of Spirit can manage it” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:66). The Dagara people of Burkina Faso, West Africa, are well known for their spiritual practice. They believe that if there is a problem with the physical, one must look to the spiritual for a solution. “That is, in the mind of the indigenous, illness is like an unwelcome guest that wants the place it has taken over to remain the same so that is can be comfortable. Certain healing practices, such as this one, involve altering the energy structure of the person. By doing this, the illness, if there is any, becomes ‘irritated’ at the rude hospitality and moves away in search of another place” (Malidoma Patrice Some’, 1999:262).
Toby Christensen aka Tobias -


Blogger cricket said...

How very true,

When the Physician first told me, I had cervical cancer, I was in disbelief.What was that all about. I was happy until they gave a reason to think. My thoughts were many at first, and I was quite confused by the thought that I had been invaded by the "C" word.

This was in the early 90's and I had no concept of SAT. However I was very connected to Music and Dance, world beat music. I deceided to take a vacation from my worry's and went out for a celebration of life. Loud world beat music and dancing. That evening when I came home, revitalized, it dawned on me. Yes, I had cancer, but it was not mine! Creator knew that this was something I could beat! I worked in Medicine at the time, and my lesson to be learned was, to help others understand that healing is about embracing your spirit - not embracing your dis-ease.

Since that time, I have come to know and understand a small piece of SAT. I am no longer, ashamed by my disease, when one is first detected I reach out to my community to assist me with Drumming, specifically perscribed by a Shamen.

The spirit, is in place, the mind stops supporting the condition, and my spirit begins its work in making the place unbearable to the dis-ease.

Mind you I still work with Physicians daily, and I know "Medicine" is necessary, but even the Physicians these days are looking at Spirit in a whole new way.

Thank you for helping to explain this message, and bringing it to a place of honor.

10:12 AM  

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