Friday, July 29, 2005

Rhythm and Flow


OK This is my first entry from a plane. I am at 37,000 feet and heading for Columbus Ohio. As I have been running for planes and waiting in airports and waiting in MORE AIRPORTS I am realizing that the Beatles had it right. “All you need is LOVE”. I have had the fortunate experience of meeting many new people on this trip. I decided that I was going to open my energy field to experience travel in a different way. I am paying attention to the rhythm of things and how flow. There are so many different people in the world, when you view each person as a part of the rhythm of life, things get more interesting! I got to the airport late and decided that the lines are so long I will never get to the gate on time. So I took a deep breath and became an observer of flow instead of connecting to the perceived obstacle of time. As I watched and breathed, I realized the amazing synchronicity of the world around me. I realized that there were many Sky Caps and most of the people in front of me had already been helped. It took me 7 minutes to get through a line I guessed would take at least 45.

I got to security and never slowed down. I was at the gate with 30 minutes to spare and while I was standing there met the daughter of a friend and we traveled the first leg of the trip together. As I met with the flow of the airport, I hooked into the rhythm of life around me and was able to accomplish more than expected. Look around you, be the observer and see how you can fit into the flow of life. You cannot move any faster than the doors will open. Watch the pace of the openings and get in sync with them.

For more information about Synchronizing your energy go to or email me at


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