Monday, July 04, 2005


Sound has been used effectively by many of the world’s spiritual traditions to alter consciousness or heal the body. Mantras, prayers, and chants all generate a pattern of energy that calms the mind and rebalances the body. Studies show that repetitive sound transforms the alpha and beta wave patterns in the brain into theta. The theta brain wave pattern is conducive to relaxation and has been linked to a sense of heightened creativity. Sound has also been used as an effective tool for opening the body’s various energy meridians and charkas. As Margo Anand observes:

Just as the resonance of one high, operatic note can break a crystal glass, and the right words can open a mind or heart, the right sound can open your charkas. The word chakra means “vortex, center, or resonance”. If we direct a sound that resonates into the center of a chakra, it can open like a flower. Every mystery school from ancient times to the present uses sound for these purposes (1998:237)

The understanding that every process in the body has a distinct bioelectrical rhythm or beat, leads to the perception that when everything is working well—i.e. the physiological energy of the body is in balance and able to flow freely—then health and well-being exist. Conversely, when the bioelectrical rhythm of the body is disrupted or the natural frequencies altered, Then energetic blocks and imbalances start to occur, and disease is often the result. Restoring health means changing a disease producing energy pattern and replacing it with a health enhancing one. As Trieschmann Suggests:

Every cell in our body has a characteristic vibration. When these cells vibrate at a certain rate and in a certain pattern, the body functions well and the person feels good. When they vibrate at a different rate and pattern, the body functions less well and the person feels not so good. It is highly probable that assessment of the differential vibratory patterns associated with health and sickness will be a core feature of the research of the 21st century. (2001:29-30)

As these brief illustrations show, sound has a profound effect upon the physiology and emotions. Other articles on sound healing and drum healing are available to explore how traditional tribal groups use repetitive sound—such as drumming—to heal the mind and body.

For more information check out


Blogger cricket said...

Quite an Independance blog.

I would like add that this is the best medicine you could ever seek out. Sound Attument Therapy is the super drug of the future as it always has been in the past. Don't let the FDA get its hands on it.

I have suffered over the years with psychological, and panic attacks. And the physicians and therapists have tried to help with perscription medication. The side effects are terrible, and the after effects of being seperated from you being, difficult at best to overcome.

Never take a medication that has more side effects than the problem!
SAT fills that bill. You can learn to self administer it yourself. It is not expensive. It does have side effects however, you feel good, your energy improves, and your problems become you allies. One other side effect I need to mention. It is almost impossible to drive past a drum store, especially if you don't have a personal drum.

Yes! Absolutely SAT, whether administered by a Master, a community, or yourself, is theraputic and highly recommened way to a healthy, happy, way of life.

9:53 AM  

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