Thursday, June 30, 2005

How does psychology, quantum physics, and shamanism all tie together to change your life?

Ok so I have not been a good reliable blogger! My commitment is to have a minimum of one entry per week. If I don’t you are welcome to harass me at

So the blog of the day is this… How does psychology, quantum physics, and shamanism all tie together to change your life? I have recently come in contact with the work of Arnold Mindell Ph.D. This man has articulated in the most amazing way what Sound Attunement Therapy (SAT) is all about. My reading recommendation for the month is “The Quantum Mind and Healing” by Arnold Mindell. Ph.D. In this book Dr. Mindell lays out the best explanation I have ever seen of what is involved in the complete healing and shifting of energy to support life long change in ones life. The shifting of patterns via physiological process, Sound Energy, and Journeys to the unseen world, the world of the shaman! For more information about healing in the quantum level go to my website

Tuesday, June 07, 2005



Like most things, behind any visual image that we see, whether a successful company or a person of wealth and fame, there is an infrastructure that provides stability and containment for the energy required to maintain the what is visible to the public eye.

I hear people all the time say they want more prosperity In their life. Generally this refers to Financial Prosperity. What statistics show us, according to lottery winners and people who inherit large amounts of money is that when financial prosperity is achieved without the proper infrastructure, the person who receives the financial prosperity is in the same or worse financial position than before receiving the financial prosperity within five years. So the question is:

What is the way to make room for and KEEP the financial prosperity once we receive it?

This I call the “Prosperity Infrastructure”. The Prosperity Infrastructure is a multifaceted system that creates a foundation, container, and receiver.

Facet I – Foundation – Soul Prosperity
Soul Prosperity is the first phase of creating the prosperity infrastructure.
Soul Prosperity is the connection to Spirit. It is the knowing that your time here as a human has a higher purpose than eating burgers and Cold Stone ice cream (although I find that to be a very high purpose personally). It is the fulfillment of the spiritual longing in each of us. Soul prosperity is about being in relationship to “Higher Power” or God.

Facet II - Personal Prosperity
Personal Prosperity is the connection to your life’s purpose. It is about connecting to the Gift you bring to the world, your genius. What is it that you love to do, and you do well? What skill or talent do you possess that comes naturally to you and brings you joy? This is your gift, this is your purpose and your personal prosperity.

Facet III – Health Prosperity
Health Prosperity is doing what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. Maintaining good health is a type of prosperity many of us in the healing arts often forget. But how can we bring our gift to the world if we are not healthy and energetic. Health prosperity is a very important prosperity to nurture in your life!

Facet IV – Community Prosperity
Community Prosperity is your connection to the community to bring your gift to. Community can be your church or spiritual group. It can be your school, your housing development, city, state, country or the world. The more you support your community the more your community will support you. Part of community prosperity is bringing your gift to them and the other part is you acknowledging the gifts of others.

Facet V – Financial Prosperity
Now we are back to where we started. By being connected to Spirit we have a higher, divinely assigned reason for living (Soul Prosperity). By being connected to our life we discover our purpose or gift we bring to the world (Personal Prosperity). As we keep ourselves healthy we have the ability to bring our gift to the world (Health Prosperity). Then we connect to our community providing people to bring our gift to (Community Prosperity). Then by bringing our gift to the community we are supported in creating financial prosperity!

It is easy to get caught in patterns that sabotage our success and our ability to create the infrastructure to support bringing prosperity into our lives. These patterns are created over a lifetime of input. Sometimes it seems impossible to change these patterns but there is hope!

Through the process of Sound Attunement Therapy the energetic patterns that have plagued you can be shifted into energy patterns that can be helpful and supportive. By changing the bio-energetic frequency through the power of the drum, negative patterns can be reversed and your ability to create prosperity can be activated.

Sound has been used effectively by many of the world’s spiritual traditions to alter consciousness or heal the body. Mantras, prayers, and chants all generate a pattern of energy that calms the mind and rebalances the body. Studies show that repetitive sound transforms the alpha and beta wave patterns in the brain into theta. The theta brain wave pattern is conducive to relaxation and has been linked to a sense of heightened creativity. Sound has also been used as an effective tool for opening the body’s various energy meridians and charkas. As Margo Anand observes:

Just as the resonance of one high, operatic note can break a crystal glass, and the right words can open a mind or heart, the right sound can open your charkas. The word chakra means “vortex, center, or resonance”. If we direct a sound that resonates into the center of a chakra, it can open like a flower. Every mystery school from ancient times to the present uses sound for these purposes (1998:237)

Promoting health by keeping the energy meridians and charkas open and clear in an important feature of East Indian and Oriental medicine. Both approaches envision the body as a bio-energetic network of meridians interconnected throughout the body and through the major organs. The meridians provide structural and patterned information to the cells of the body during growth and development from conception to adulthood. Medical treatment involves identifying the source and location of any blocks in this system that are impeding healthy energy flow and then removing them. “The acupuncture meridians are a type of biocircuitry network that supplies life energy to the different organs of the body. The meridians have surface points, known as acupuncture points, that are like energetic pores” (Gerber, 1996:xx). Stimulation of these key points with needles—or sound—can help release blocks and promote healing. Sound Attunement Therapy uses both the hoop drum and the West African drum called a “djembe” to induce sound stimulation to these points to promote healing.

As these brief illustrations show, sound has a profound effect upon the physiology, emotions and energy. For more information on Sound Attunement Therapy, Bio-Energetic Reconfiguration, and Drum/ Sound healing, go to or email Toby at