Friday, February 24, 2006

SHAMANISM: An Opportunity to Connect with Our Ancient “Knowing”

SHAMANISM: An Opportunity to Connect with Our Ancient “Knowing”
Kathy Schulz, PhD

The word shaman carries an ominous charge in our culture, shrouded in mystery and mystique. Why would I, or anyone, explore a practice far removed from my cultural orientation? How does it serve a technologically advanced society to enter into altered states of consciousness and explore non-ordinary reality? As modern society uncovers and pieces together “new” and exciting research in fields as diverse as bioenergetics, healing through prayer and quantum physics, we begin to understand the pure and powerful ancient wisdoms and practices of the past. It is these, our collective indigenous ancestors, the shamans and villagers of long ago, from whom we still have much to learn.

Shamanism is a traditional ancient practice rooted in indigenous cultures all over the world. It is a practical methodology requiring focus and discipline. Shamanism honors our connection to the natural world. It is in this connection that humility resides and it is through this connection that we begin to claim our wholeness, our health, and our joy. Shamanic methodology provides a framework for safe exploration as we go beyond the limitations of our ordinary reality and receive helpful information through direct communication with our Spirit Helpers.

Indigenous cultures are our models for spiritual consciousness, yet they are disappearing at an alarming rate. We are the technologically advanced culture, with resources that allow us to choose what survives and what doesn’t. We are allowing the indigenous wisdom and teachings to die with these cultures and, in so doing, we are losing the heartbeat of global spirituality.

Why shamanism? Because shamanism calls each one of us to reclaim our spiritual consciousness, the same consciousness imbued in the indigenous cultures that our planet is losing. Shamanism is about letting go of the New Age fanfare that goes along with connecting to Spirit, reclaiming our legacy, and reestablishing the natural abilities of our ancestors that we have forgotten.

Ancient cultures turned to the shamans of their villages for wisdom, healing and teaching of spiritual practices. I am a student who is ready and a teacher has appeared. His name is Toby Christensen. He is a humble and gifted healer who is dedicated to bring this ancient wisdom to us. Please take a moment to read more about his work at

I am look forward to immersing myself in learning about the ways of my ancestors, not to call myself a shaman, but to explore that which I have forgotten. I know that my Spirit will shrivel if I retreat to the comfortable and numbing safety of familiarity. I am pulled to move toward spiritual refinement. I am driven to advocate for the cultures that are models for spirituality and connecting to Nature. And I am committed to preserve the traditions that hold the keys to healing and transformation for all of us. The guru is within. The teacher is before us. I want to remember who I Am.


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